Happy Wednesday FBC Kids!!
Hello everyone! Welcome to the third edition of Wednesday Worship for Kids (and their adults)! We'll learn a new catechism question this week and a new song below. I'll also include links to the last weeks pages at the end in case you'd like to revisit any of the music videos from previous weeks.
A Note to Parents:
Parents, it is our great hope that here in this third week your sweet family is getting used to gathering for a brief time of worship under your able leadership. Press on with your children. Your efforts and patience and endurance in this practice ARE WORTH IT. You are investing in eternity when you pour into your children's hearts and souls.
In our home, we STILL have family worship. Many years ago we began this weekly practice and it has become even more visible in these days that the fruit it has born over the years and especially currently, has been worth the years of the struggling and the singing and the laughing and the TRYING and the LEARNING. One of my daughters just said the other night while listening to catechism questions and answers, "That question and answer just came up the other day in a conversation I had with someone."
We cannot know or control what our children will face in the future but we can know and control what we place before them in these days which can only serve to prepare them for the unknown days ahead.
OK!! Here we go!!
Please scroll through the activities below...
Opening Song:
His Mercy is More motions in case you need a refresher.
Now here's the whole song!
New Catechism Question!
Accompanying Scripture:
Romans 14:7–8
For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.
Question 1 for review...
Question 2 for review...
Christ Our Hope, in life and in death, we cast ourselves on your merciful, fatherly care. You love us because we are your own. We have no good apart from you, and we could ask for no greater gift than to belong to you. Amen.
Closing Song...
There you have it FBC families! We love you bunches! ENDURE well!
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