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Advent 2020 A Time of Preparation

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Advent 2020 A Time of Preparation

December 20, 2020

Mary's Christmas Song part 2

Preacher: Darrin Wright Series: Advent 2020 A Time of Preparation Topic: Sunday Worship Scripture: Luke 1:46-55

December 13, 2020

Mary's Christmas Song part 1

Preacher: Darrin Wright Series: Advent 2020 A Time of Preparation Topic: Sunday Worship Scripture: Luke 46:55

December 6, 2020

The Virgin Birth

Preacher: Jay Stoneking Series: Advent 2020 A Time of Preparation Topic: Sunday Worship Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

November 29, 2020

The Birth Of Jesus Foretold

Preacher: Jay Stoneking Series: Advent 2020 A Time of Preparation Topic: Sunday Worship Scripture: Luke 1:26-33